►Worse than Whoops!
November 19, 2023 - Author: Jenelle Taylor, CAI BAS - Comments are closed
Something happened recently that has NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE. I created Clerking Sheets for a gala and emailed them to the client ahead of time. They printed those sheets and put them on 3 clipboards. Check and check. They had staff members lined up to fill in the sheets during the live auction and Paddle Raise (on another sheet).
We did the fundraising and sold 4 live auction items (some with multiples) and then got many Fund-a-Need donations at multiple levels.
After the auction I asked to see one copy of the clerking sheets so I could take a photo for my records.
For the first time ever, somehow the clipboards never got into the hands of the 3 staff members told to do it.
Don’t let this happen to you. Make certain to put the clipboards into the recorders’ hands early in the evening and explain their critical role and what time the fundraising will take place. Having 3 individuals assigned to the job has always worked up to this point. (You can also record the fundraising portion to have as a backup.) Plan ahead. And triple check.
Categories: Consulting, Event Logistics, Fund a Need, GALA GAL Case Study, Live Auctions