Event Photos

- List each auction package
- Simple Dollar Store Metallic gift bags
- Separate your Silent Auction
- Creatively Name Auction Categories
- Make Countdown Announcements
- Show Guests where to Purchase Tickets
- Promote Your Chance to Win Games
- Pick a card, 1 in 52 Chance to Win the Prize!
- Another wine option – guests make a donation and win wine
- Advertise your Chance to Win games
- “Ask Me About Live Auction Item #4 Hawaii Trip”
- Be seen across the room
- Put your Live Auction in the center of all the action
- Have Big, Glossy, Polished Posters
- Put 12, 30, or even 60 bottles of wine into one amazing Live Auction package
- Use words that create pictures…and use pictures!
- It’s up for bid!
- I provide a free way to track all your planning details!
- Paddle Raise or Fund A Need
- Priceless items are best!